Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The guys here are really awesome, and we're having a good time. Good people, good food. People do tend to stare here and shout weird things at us, but besides that its nice and easy to travel around the city. The only problem is you definitely need a car to do that, walking around through most of Omaha is looked at strangely.

Mel and I got bored and I cut our hair. Mel just got bangs, I hacked mine to pieces.

We're leaving for SD tonight- we're gonna try and do an all nighter. Lets see if we make it! We just want to make sure we can get a free campsite.

Anne Carson: Excerpt from Anthropology of water-
"I packed my rucksack with socks, canteen, pencils, three empty notebooks. I took no maps, I cannot read maps--why press a seal on running water? After all, the only rule of travel is, Don't come back the way you went. Come a new way."

My Journey's Journeying
By Kenneth Patchen.

I am descended from a traveling people. Nothing would do but they go! They would travel any time of year, anywhere. "Let's go...Get going!"
A kind of fermentation, a rash to the feet. But all I like about travel is getting out of places; the better the place the better I like scramming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Courtney - I thought the idea was to see the country while you were traveling across it. Not travel in the dark!!!! Mom & Dad