Saturday, August 1, 2009


Missin' Omaha in South Dakota. It was truly a great place with some truly awesome dudes. Wish we could've stayed longer, but its better to leave before one outstays their welcome.

We drove through the night and made it to the badlands around 9:30 Omaha time, after leaving around 1:30. We had stayed later to see a great basement show with the dudes, and then got late night food at Alvarados with Tyler and Mitchell in Council Bluffs. They showed us how to get to 29 and we were off on our way!

Driving all night was intense, but we did it safely. We set up our tent at Sage Creek and passed out until 5PM. Made some rice and beans for dinner and went back to sleep shortly after the sun set, listening to coyotes howl.

We were woken up around 6:30 to grunting bison- those animals are gigantic and would come relatively close to the campsites, it was beautiful.
Around 10 we left for the other side of the park to hike, and we hiked through an amazing canyon which overlooked an expansive part of the badlands. It was absolutely beautiful, and exhilarating to hike something slightly dangerous.

When we returned around 3 the wind had gotten so strong one of the poles on the tent splintered, forcing it all to collapse. It was beginning to rain, and the wind was a bit scary, so we just decided to pack all our stuff up, laughing as we did it, and drove on off towards the Black Hills. We stopped at Wall, which was terrifying, and continued on our way.

We stayed in a Borders in Rapid City for a while, and finally found a motel that could fit us around 9 tonight. Its been a long and amazing day.

This has been a relatively uninspired post, so I'll post some pictures:


Anonymous said...

Courtney - try and stop at a KOA camp ground and sign up for the pass. It will cost a few $$$$ but then you will get a book listing all the campsites. The bad lands sound great. I guess it's a good thing we got the duct tape so you can fix the pole. Love - M & D

Anonymous said...

When you are in town go to a walmart, sporting goods store and see if you can get a replacemnet pole.

Courtney said...

KOAs are gross, trust me. the tents fixed, no worries.