Friday, August 14, 2009


We've had quite an exciting few days. We left Carol's on Wednesday after harvesting all day, and headed west towards Yellowstone. We ended up hating it there and leaving early. We knew full well that it is a super volcano and reeks of methane from the hot springs, so we didn't like the constant scent of our imminent death. We couldn't find anywhere around the park to camp, since the grizzly bear population is so large you can't camp without a hard-sided tent (aka an RV), so we had to head into Montana and spent the night there.

The next morning we left early in the AM and ended up deciding to just head towards Seattle, but since we couldn't get in touch with Mary, we headed to Portland! In all, we drove for 14 hours on Thursday. We drove through 4 mountain ranges in 36 hours, a desert, and along the Columbia river.

The pictures are backwards of our trip. Mike and Mel on the porch in Portland. My dear, dear Montana. Panda hugging a rock East of Yellowstone. Me in the Big Horn Mountains. Me driving away from Wyoming.

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